A spike of inspiration defeats the boredom of the human mind.
Inspiration can come at any moment. Being ready to acknowledge it is important, though some days it will run dry. Some other days the neurons fire like the northern lights that fill the sky. They make you transcend to a place of unstoppable creativity.
In the days of great inspiration, inspire others, lift humanity up. It's up to each human to inspire all others by creating something, be it a piece of art or just another entry in your own endless book. Although this will run forever, this inspiration is probably finite.
When thinking about problems to solve, people say that they don't feel inspired to come up with something new. Is this laziness or is there something else? Is inspiration finite? Or does the Adjacent Possible come into play? How many ideas exist in this universe?
The Adjacent Possible kills a lot of dreams. Losing inspiration does as well. It's hard to fight back, but the human mind is strong. You can be in the most horrendous place and still find the light and invent something new, like some people did in concentration camps. Wherever you are don't let the inspiration go, inspire yourself in others and your muses.