Happiness is the most profound human emotion that can break or make your story.
As your inspiration leads to happiness some other things lead to sorrow. The pursuit of happiness doesn't need to be endless. You can achieve a constant state of happiness by acknowledging what you have, being grateful for everything, and being optimistic for the future, even when it is far away. It is not easy, some people will not have that baseline happiness, but it's possible.
After achieving happiness it is important to bring that joy to other people. Sharing your joy makes other people's day better. Just smile, because it is contagious. The more you smile the happier you will also be. It will increase your baseline happiness. You can be a source of happiness for others when they are feeling down.
Sorrow can come from failure, but it's possible sometimes to just laugh it off. You can feel disappointed about something but still laugh about it. It can actually be a good thing. It can mean that you were not attached to it on a level that affects your baseline happiness. It can be something that you created and care dearly for. It's not possible for everything, but it's possible for some things.
Ultimately being happy will make you live life more relaxed. You see the positivity around you, but also see a lot of negativity. All the horrible news and destruction. In the end, it's your choice. You can choose to be happy or not. Just do what is best for you, live your best life, and help others do the same.